We’re in the home stretch, so that means some time to sort out a few logistics on my end. Item of interest number one with only 14 days left is to sell my bike. It’s been loyal. It’s been faithful… sans my flat-tire incident. BUT it is time for it to go. I put up a flyer on Monday and published an ad on the BMW intranet to sell the thing at a reasonable price. Time to brush up on my German bargaining skills! On Tuesday, I already had a response from a guy wanting to buy it! Unfortunately, my hopes faded quickly when he emailed back saying it would be a wedding present. 1) Who buys a couple a bicycle for a wedding present? 2) I knew when he saw the bike in real life, the rust, stickers, and bald tires might drain his ambition to buy the wheeled machine. On Friday I met with the guy and he met my bike. It was not love at first sight. I feel bad for the newlyweds… they won’t get to experience my awesome bike. SO… the sales offer continues! If you know anyone over here who wants a bike, let me know!

Outside of the chore related “exit” logistics, other fun items included Sommerfest on Wednesday and a trip to Peissenberg on Thursday.
On Wednesday, Micah invited me to go along with him and his new roommate to a summer festival called “Theatron” in Olympia Park. Outside of the typical masses of pretzels and beer being sold, there was also paragliding on the small lake and live bands playing in the amphitheater. This particular summer festival lasts about a month and features nearly three new bands each night… free of charge! Even without the bands, I always enjoy Olympia Park in the evening. Between the lights and the park-scape, it always has a great view. On my way home, I was even able to sneak a peek inside the Olympic swimming hall for the first time. It was huge! I have a couple of really big swimming friends back at home, and I know that if they lived in Munich, they would likely be here every day! Biggest swimming pool I’ve ever seen.
Thursday was also a great evening. I regret not bringing my camera, but I didn’t have time to grab it after work. Our manager has wanted to take us out for a while now, but between weather and weekend plans, our “date” kept falling through. We finally were able to steal away to his humble abode on Thursday evening for a visit dinner. He drove us down to Peissenberg, which is an old mining community about an hour’s drive south of Munich. Lots of fields and farms mostly, but the landscape was gorgeous. It lies halfway between Munich and the Alps, so basically your backyard has a giant mountain scene in the far distance. Don’t get your hopes up too high though… a house out here will cost you just about one million Euros!
We met him, his wife, and his son in a biergarten just outside of Peissenberg in Polling. Polling used to house a very large monastery that once had the largest library in Europe. Since then, that library has been long gone, but the monastery is still in operation. After enjoying our meal, our manager showed us a small workshop around the corner where the old monastery there used to be. This workshop was AMAZING. It was a hidden gem in this small village and it was a car shop dedicated solely to restoring Mercedes-Benz 300SL models. The company is called HK-Engineering. I think I found the company I’d like to work for someday! You’ll have to check out the website for pics. All I know is that if my dad and I had a shop like this when we restored our Triumph Spitfire, we’d have been gold.
After dinner, we drove to Hohenpeissenberg, which is a giant hill just outside of town. There we had one of our best views of Bavaria yet. One could easily see both Munich to the north and the Alps to the south! It was an amazing view, so thank God for a clear day! After taking in the sights, we headed back to our manager’s house where we relaxed and enjoyed a few refreshments before parting for the evening. It was a very generous evening and I am especially thankful that I had a manager thoughtful enough to take some of his interns out to dinner for a nice evening.
That is the week’s update! I’ll be making my final “Big Trip” this weekend, so stay posted for an update on the holiday. Bavarians do not work on Assumption Day, so I’ll be chillin’ on Monday before my last full week at work for BMW. Bis bald!
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